We will always do our very best to take care of your pet. Sometimes that means sending them to a specialist. In the event that our veterinarian is unable to help or determines that more in-depth assistance is needed, they will refer you to a trusted specialist to make sure your furry friends get the best care. When an animal presents with unusual symptoms or an unusual injury, we may recommend a specialist in the field.

The term specialist is for a Veterinarian that chooses to study further and become a specialist in a particular field of veterinary science. Specialists in Australia are rigorously trained and tested, before getting their qualifications. These highly trained veterinarians are considered the top of their field in knowledge and skill. We work with the specialist to make sure that together we can ensure your pet gets the best service and care.

Veterinary specialists are independent from our clinic. We ask that you confirm the fees when you make the appointment.

Once your pet is our patient, we do not just hand them over to a specialist and move on. We welcome your questions regarding treatment and will be more than happy to chat with you to evaluate the options. It is our pleasure to help you organize a specialist if your pet needs one. We are happy to discuss which specialist would be most beneficial. If you are not happy with their service, we are on-hand to discuss other options as well.

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