Vaccinations are an essential part of taking care of your pets. Their main purpose is to prevent or reduce the severity of infectious diseases your dog might get. The most common diseases include rabies, canine parvovirus, canine adenovirus, canine distemper, and many others. These diseases can lead to very serious health complications for your pet, and can be life threatening if left untreated.

As a responsible pet owner, you’re supposed to make sure your puppy or puppies get their initial course of vaccination. However, the vaccination your puppy receives cannot sustain him for the rest of his life, ones your dog is an adult, he will still require vaccination so that he continue with a boosted immune system that will help protect him from many diseases. Your vet can advise on when he should have these and they are usually administered at the annual health check if needed.

Everything you need to know about puppy vaccination

Just like human babies, puppies are also protected from many diseases when taking mother’s milk. They receive antibodies from the mother’s milk which acts as their defense from many illnesses. However, these maternal antibodies will decrease in the puppy’s first few months. For you to start giving the puppy vaccination, these antibodies need to drop further, because they neutralize the vaccination. For these reasons, puppies are given vaccinations in a series.

Types of vaccines given to puppies

The first vaccination given to a puppy is known as core vaccine and it should be given when the puppy is about 6 to 8 weeks of age. The second type of vaccine is known as booster vaccine, and it should be given every 2 to 4 weeks until the puppy is about 16 weeks old.

As a pet owner, you should make sure your puppy receives all the necessary vaccines before taking him to public places such as parks where he will meet other animals that could easily spread diseases. You must also ask your veterinarian when your puppy will be fully vaccinated so that you can know if it is safe to go with him in public places.

When your puppy is not fully vaccinated, you should avoid taking him to public places or other places where other dogs might have been to. Yes, you can take him out but carry him so he is not exposed to environments where he can get diseases and keep away from other dogs.

Everything you need to know about adult dog vaccination

As your puppy grows into an adult, he will still need vaccination so that his immune system remains strong to fight against diseases. Your adult dog will now need core vaccination every 3 years. However, it will depend on the duration of immunity provided by the vaccine your veterinarian uses. So, make sure you ask them which vaccination they use on your dog.

Types of vaccines given to adult dogs

Generally, vaccines fall into two categories:

  • Core vaccines: These types of vaccines protect your dog from diseases that are a threat to him no matter the life style he lives. These diseases include, canine parvo virus, adenovirus, distemper, rabies, parainfluenza type two.
  • Non-core vaccines: The most common types of non-core vaccines are known as leptospirosis and Bordetella. Leptospirosis is recommended for dogs that travel a lot, while Bordetella is for dogs that like to visit off-leash areas.

How to care for your dog after vaccination

When your dog received vaccination, he may not be as active for a day or two. He will possibly swell in the injection site area and this will be painful for him. For him to recover quickly, he will need your care. So, make sure he has easy access to water and food, their resting area should be comfortable but most importantly, clean. However, if your dog remains in pain for more days and his response seems more severe, do not hesitate to contact us for advice.

Before you make any decision on which type of vaccine to use for your puppy or adult dog, call us and will advise a suitable vaccination regimen for your furry friend.

A detailed look into the types of diseases your dog needs vaccination against

Below we will take a detailed look into infectious diseases of dogs that we vaccinate against. At the end of this article, you will be able to decide which vaccination is best for your dog.

The canine parvovirus:
This type of disease is known to affect dogs of all ages, but is known to be severe in puppies and older adult dogs. The disease attacks the intestines and will then lead to diarrhea that is blood stained, severe abdominal pain and continuous vomiting. Some dogs do not survive from this virus, they die from dehydration even after receiving the best veterinary care. If your dog gets infected, keep him away from other pets to avoid spreading. Also make sure the infected dog lives in a clean environment to prevent the spread of the disease.

The canine distemper:
Young puppies are at the highest risk of getting this contagious disease. However, dogs of any age can be affected too. Most common symptoms of infection include fever, coughing, sneezing, vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite and depression. In most cases, treatment is ineffective and recovery rate is low.

The canine Hepatitis:
This is another fatal contagious disease dogs suffer from. It affects dogs of any age, however, if your dog is over two years of age, he is likely to recover from the infection after receiving vaccination and proper care. The most common symptoms of being infected include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, and depression.

The canine Cough:
This disease is highly infectious and can be spread in public places such as parks, shows, etc. Symptoms include a dry hacking cough that persists for about a month.

The canine coronavirus:
Most common symptoms of this contagious virus include loss of appetite, vomiting, diarrhea and depression. It is mostly common in young dogs.

The canine Leptospirosis:
This canine disease is fatal. Your dog can get the disease from contaminated food and water. Rats are responsible for spreading this disease. So as a pet owner you need to make sure your dog lives in a clean environment free from pests.