Desexing refers to the practice of suppressing the fertility of a dog by removing its ovaries and/or testes. Desexing is encouraged for population control, health improvement, as well as the alteration of behavior. Castration is the term used for the procedure performed on male dogs, whereas “spaying” is the term used for the procedure performed on female dogs.

This operation is one that our veterinarians conduct the most often, and in nearly all cases, your pet will be able to return home by the same evening after the procedure. Although the most popular time to desex your pet is between the ages of 4 and 6 months, it is never too late for them to have the procedure.

There are still a lot of positive aspects associated with spaying or neutering your dog at 6 months. Desexing is a surgical procedure in which a portion of a pet’s reproductive system is removed while the animal is under the influence of a general anesthetic. When females are desexed, often known as “spaying,” the ovaries and uterus are removed.

The benefits of desexing your pet at 6 months include:

  • Preventing unexpected or unwanted litters that may be highly expensive and may increase the number of stray animals euthanized each year.
  • It protects against testicular cancer as well as prostate illness in the males and uterine infections (pyometra) and breast cancer (mammary tumors) in females.
  • Desexing also helps in halting “heat” cycles in the female dogs.
  • Reducing hostility toward people and other pets.
  • Making the pets less likely to stray, particularly in males, and ensuring that your pet has a longer and healthier life overall.
  • It may also save you money in some places by needing to pay a lower rate of council registration fees.

Common Questions

“Will sterilizing my pet change their personality in any way?”
Your beloved pet will keep the same personality they had before the procedure, but they may have a more mellow disposition as a side benefit.

“Should my female be allowed to have a litter before desexing?”
No, it is not in her best interest to have litters before being spayed. If she is permitted to have her first heat, then her likelihood of getting breast cancer will rise.

“Will it cause my pet to gain weight?”
Due to expected hormonal changes following desexing, your pet’s metabolism may decrease, but this is easily addressed by modifying your diet and making sure they get enough exercise. Your pet that has been desexed can be kept at a healthy weight with minimal extra effort.

“Is the desexing procedure painful?”
There may be some discomfort just after the treatment, but the majority of animals will make a speedy recovery. This is normal and occurs after any kind of surgery. We provide pain management before surgery, and we continue to do so following surgery as well. Following the procedure, your pet will be given a short-term prescription of pain medication to be administered at home. This will be for the first few days following the procedure. Your pet might benefit from some gentle coaxing to slow down and relax for a while until they are fully healed.

“Will my dog lose its instinct to guard?”
There is no change in how protective your dog might be of their home zone after they have surgery. If they were protective before, they should still remain the same way after the procedure.

How to Prepare for Desexing surgical procedures

Before surgery:
Before the desexing surgical procedure on your pet, it is very important to prepare well. The following are the steps to take in preparation for this procedure.

  • Make a reservation for the procedure that will be done on your pets.
  • If you have a dog as a pet, you will need to wash it the day prior to the procedure since it will not be allowed to be cleaned again until the sutures are out.
  • Don’t give your dog any food or drink after 8 a.m. on the morning of surgery, and don’t feed it after 10 p.m. the night before.
  • To determine how well essential organs are functioning before surgery, blood tests may be done.
  • Before giving the patient anesthesia, the veterinarian will first do a complete physical checkup on the patient.
  • During the procedure, some animals may need fluids administered intravenously for assistance. In the time leading up to the surgery, we will talk to you about this.
  • Before the desexing surgery begins, your pet will be given pain medication, and you will be given some to go home with you so that they may continue to use it for the next few days following the operation.

After surgery:
Once the operation is done, there are certain things you need to do to ensure that your dog stays healthy and recovers fast. Because it may take some time for the effects of the anesthetic to wear off entirely, it is important that you keep your pet calm and secured.

  • Maintaining their relaxation is another critical component in ensuring the wound will heal properly.
  • During the first postoperative night, both food and drink intake should be restricted to just very modest quantities.
  • If the veterinarian has given you any dietary guidelines, you should follow them.
  • Make sure that any post-operative drugs are provided following the directions on the label.
  • To prevent infections, you should keep the place where your pet sleeps clean.
  • At a minimum of twice a day, look closely at the incision for any indications of disruption or infection in the site (such as redness, bleeding, swelling or any discharge). If any of these symptoms develop, you should get in touch with your veterinarian right once. Do not sit around and hope that they would just go away on their own.
  • Keep your dog from licking or gnawing the wound so it can heal properly. Cone-shaped collars of a certain kind are designed to help with this issue. Just one bite is all it takes to undo the meticulous stitching, which will lead to tragic results.

Please make sure that you come back to see us for the normal post-operative check-ups as scheduled and the removal of your sutures. You should also give us a call to address any concerns you may have about the desexing of your pet, whether those issues arise before or after the procedure. The sooner we hear from you, the sooner we can help your pet live its best life.

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