The management of infectious illness in our pets has been completely transformed as a result of vaccination. In order to contribute to the overall protection of the pet population, it is imperative that each and every pet get the appropriate vaccinations. The first round of immunizations that a kitten receives is necessary for responsible pet care, but it is not possible for this to protect them against disease for the rest of their lives. Adult cats need to get vaccinations on a regular basis in order to maintain their protection against illness.

Kitten Vaccination

Antibodies obtained from their mothers’ milk provide “temporary” protection against a variety of ailments for the kittens that consume the milk. During the first few months of a kitten’s life, maternal antibodies begin to wane; but, until such time as they fall a significant amount, they are also able to neutralize immunizations. This is the primary reason why a kitten has to undergo a course of vaccines.

Adult Cat Vaccination

Over time, the protection provided by a vaccine for a kitten will wear off, and your cat will once again be at risk of contracting an illness. Your pet will have the greatest possible protection throughout its whole life if they get routine checkups and immunizations on an annual basis.

A Guide to Cat Vaccination

At or after 8 weeks of age, first immunization regimens should offer at least two shots against any or all of the following: feline panleucopenia, calicivirus, rhinotracheitis, Chlamydia, and leukemia virus. These vaccinations should be spaced out between three and four weeks. At or after 8 weeks of age, it is suggested to provide three immunizations against feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), spaced out between two and four weeks each.

Following Vaccination Follow-Up Care

After receiving vaccinations, your cat may seem lethargic for one or two days, or the area where they were injected may show signs of minor swelling or pain. Access to food and drink and a comfortable space to relax are typically all that is necessary for a rapid recovery. On the other hand, you should get in touch with us for some guidance if the reaction seems to be more serious.

Please give us a call so that we may discuss an appropriate immunization schedule for the kitten or cat that you keep as a pet.

Infectious Diseases In Cats That We Vaccinate Against

Feline Enteritis: Feline Enteritis is a disease that is highly infectious and has a high mortality rate, particularly in kittens less than one year old. Cats who are pregnant have the risk of either losing their young or of giving birth to kittens that have abnormalities, most often brain injury. Depression, a lack of appetite, excessive vomiting and diarrhea, sometimes accompanied by blood, and severe stomach discomfort are the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.

Due to the ease with which the virus may spread, places that are extensively infected may need cleaning with a specialized disinfectant. Even after they have been cured, cats may harbor the virus for an extended period of time and infect other felines.

Feline Respiratory Disease (Catflu): The feline herpesvirus (also known as feline rhinotracheitis) and/or the feline calicivirus are responsible for 90% of the occurrences of this condition. The respiratory illness that affects cats may strike at any age, although it is more common in small kittens, Siamese, and Burmese cats. It is very infectious and may result in symptoms such as coughs, sneeze, runny eyes, nasal discharge, appetite loss, and ulcers on the tongue.

The mortality rate is very low, with the exception of very small kittens; nonetheless, the sickness is painful and may continue for many weeks. Cats that have recovered from the sickness are still capable of carrying and spreading the virus for extended periods of time, and they may display symptoms of the illness once again if they are agitated.

Chlamydia: Up to thirty percent of cats might get a severe and chronic conjunctivitis due to feline chlamydia. Chlamydia causes more severe symptoms in kittens who are also infected with “Cat Flu,” and Chlamydia may be transmitted for many months after an infection has cleared up. Clinical illness may be avoided to some extent by receiving vaccinations against cat flu and Chlamydia.

Feline Leukaemia: The feline leukemia virus is responsible for the development of the dangerous illness known as feline leukemia, which affects cats. The virus causes damage to the immune system and is connected with symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, lethargy, mucous membranes that are white or yellow, vomiting, diarrhea, reproductive issues, increased vulnerability to other infections, leukemia, and tumors. There is a possibility that many cats are infected but display no symptoms at all.

Roughly one third of cats who get infected will carry the virus for the rest of their lives and may shed it in their saliva, tears, nasal secretions, and urine. The illness is then passed on to cats who do not already have it by activities like as mutual grooming, fighting, sneezing, or even flea bites.

Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV): An infection with the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is the cause of the sickness known as “feline AIDS,” which is a disease that damages the immune system of cats. Their natural defense against the onslaught of other illnesses may be substantially compromised, in a manner strikingly similar to that of AIDS in humans. This sickness cannot be passed on to people since it is not contagious.

The Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) is nearly often passed on to other cats via the bites of infected cats. Saliva contains the virus that is responsible for causing the sickness.

Some infected cats may not show any symptoms of the sickness, while others will exhibit the early signs of the illness, which include fever, lack of appetite, diarrhoea, lethargy, and enlarged lymph nodes. As the condition continues, signs like as weight loss, ulcers in and around the mouth, eye lesions, poor coat, and persistent infections may appear. Eye lesions may also cause vision problems.

After a while, the immune system can no longer effectively defend the body against additional illnesses and infections. As a direct consequence of this, the cat might end up passing away from one of these later illnesses.

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